Intensive Care
Acupuncture consists of the placement of sterile, thin, stainless steel needles at specific points along the body. Needle placement alters the body's biochemical and physiologic properties; providing a response both locally and at the level of the central nervous system. Stimulation of acupuncture needles with physical manipulation and/or electrical input helps to increase the stimulus to the body and enhance the overall effects.
Acupuncture is most often applied to help manage pain resulting from surgical procedures, musculoskeletal disorders and cancer. However, in addition to treating pain, acupuncture can be useful in managing many other conditions, such as neurologic syndromes and gastrointestinal motility disorders. When performed by a trained veterinary acupuncturist, acupuncture is one of the safest treatment options available.
Eye Exams
Arthritis Control
The frequency of acupuncture treatments will vary with each patient and condition. A single treatment takes approximately 60 minutes. As each individual responds differently to acupuncture, patients may require a range of 5-20+ needles, and may or may not need electro-stimulation. If the doctor determines acupuncture would be beneficial for your pet, an individualized treatment plan will be created.